about us

Dr. Daulat Rehman Khan

about me

I finished my Veterinary graduation in 2003. During my graduation, I was inspired from the animal nutrition science due to the fact that it makes the 60-70% of the cost of the farm animal production.  In order to study the subject in more details, I perused my Masters studies in animal nutrition. My major was the Poultry nutrition, which opened the new horizons for me to think more about the subject for further details.

I concluded that, animal nutrition is not only about the cost but also its practical applications support in optimization of the animal feeding, support in preventing the wastage of valuable ingredients and help to minimize the burden of animal production on the environment.

In order to apply my understandings in animal nutrition under practical conditions. In 2006 I joined the feed additives company as a technical manager. There I applied my learnings under practical conditions to solves the issue and problem at commercial farm level as well as at feed mill level.

Later, I had the opportunity to peruse my PhD project in poultry nutrition, which gave me more confidence and enlightened my way to combine the theatrical knowledge under practical conditions in order to benefit the farmers, feed producers and to the environment.

Dr. Daulat Rehman Khan


Our mission

Poultry meat and eggs are the most affordable source of animal protein in most of the cases when compared with other animal protein sources globally. It not only contributes in fighting against the malnutrition in kids but also provide the essential nutrients which human body cannot produce by its-self and need to be provided in the diet. Therefore, the poultry nutrition, management and health has even more importance, so that it could finally become the source of healthy meat and eggs for the consumers.

This is an effort to pass on authentic, reliable, accurate and practical information based on my experience and theoretical understandings.                                                     

Dr. Daulat Rehman Khan

Our mission-poultry expert
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